Monday, September 29, 2008
More football (game #3)
Birthday Party Time
We all got to get together again this weekend to celebrate birthdays. On Friday Kadee turned four. We celebrated at a local pizza joint and had cake and presents in addition to dinner. Saturday afternoon we gathered at Marc's house for a family cookout to celebrate Heathers #?? birthday and Grace's 5th birthday. I think everyone had a great time and that the pictures speak for themselves. i absolutely love the expression on Grace's face when she opened the package with the Barbie Maripoza video inside. Well, we don't have any more birthdays for several weeks, so we may not be seeing much of each other. Oh wait, we still have the annual family hay ride, and the pumpkin patch coming up. We'll post more photos of those events soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Football game # 2
Taylor played in her 2nd game yesterday. She finally saw a lot of play time. Her time on the field totalled abt 3/4 of the game. She was hitting remarkably well. After the game she said that she had casually said hi to the guy she was against, and her feminine voice threw him off guard. When the ball was hiked she plowed him over. The second time she said she kind of gave him a wink and again he was flat on his back. They finally realized she was a girl, but didn't know what to think at first. We lost again though. It was tied 8-8 and they scored with less than thirty seconds remaining on the clock.
Date Night
Today is date night. We haven't been ouut without the kids since...well it's been so long I can't remember. We are going to dinner. Then we are going to go start Christmas shopping, followed be pedicures, and then coffee. Yes, I am dragging Jeff to the Salon for a Pedicure. He bought me a gift certificate for Christmas last year. With the schedules we keep I have been unable to take advantage of having a day to go out and be pampered so I thought it would be nice to share it. He gets to skip the toe nail polish though :).
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Taylor's Football Game
Taylor played in her first football game last night. The score was tied 6-6 at the end of the game so they went into overtime. In the end the final score was 14-6 with our team losing. Here is a picture of Taylor with some team mates. She is in the #55 jersey. She didn't get as much play time as we would have liked to see. There are a lot of kids on the team though and they are splitting into JV and Varsity next week so her time on the field should increase.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday Soccer/Back to school Bash
Saturday was the first day of fall soccer. Both Dana & Cody's team (the Purple Panthers), and Jeffrey's team (the Wild Cats) played at 9:00 am. So we were busy running from field to field to try and catch the action. The Panthers won their game 1-0. The Wildcats lost 2-1. Jeffrey scored the only goal for his team, and one of the goals for the winning team :( Oh well, at least he scored! The Back to school bash was a total blast. The kids had an awesome time in the moon bounce thing. It drizzled most of the day, so when it got too wet inside we would kick the kids out and go in and dry it off with some towels. It was fun. We also had some carnival games and the kids earned tickets to buy prizes with.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Is it just me, or do weeks that start with a holiday always seem to drag on? This week has been truly a challenge. I know I am not the only one feeling exhausted either. Last night Jeffrey fell asleep on the couch at 5:00. We woke him up at 5:45 so he could eat dinner, and he went right back to bed. Needless to say he missed soccer practice. I didn't think I should wake him up to send him out in the cold and rain to practice. Today it has been cloudy and chilly with rain off and on, but hopefully it will clear up so we can have decent weather for our first games of the season tomorrow. Jeffrey plays at 9:00 and 11:00, Dana and Dakota play at 10:00. Then it's off to grandma's house for a fun filled afternoon. I don't know about you, but my kids love the inflatable moonwalk things, and we have rented one for the whole weekend. Oh Boy!! Can't wait to get some pictures of the kids in that thing.
Last nights game
Ryan went to the doctor Tuesday and has an upper respiratory infection so he was not able to play in the game yesterday. However, it was an AWESOME game. The Cougars vs Indians. This was the first game of the season and the Cougars have not won a game since 1995. The final score was 24-6. Cougars won.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Rainy Thursday Afternoon
The weather is nasty today! It has rained since Tuesday. We are hoping that soccer practice will be cancelled. There is nothing I hate more than scraping mud from between the soccer cleats with a butter knife. Jeffrey and Cody were excited to sign up for boy scouts this week. They were slightly disappointed to learn that the boy scouts don't drive to Colorado to camp in the mountains the way we do. The boy scouts camp at the city lake. Jeffrey asked if the lake camp site was the base camp, and where the next camp site would be. when we told him there was no other camp site, he decided he didn't want to camp out with the boy scouts this weekend. I think they really enjoyed the eight mile hike carrying all their gear. What do you think??
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Looking ahead to the weekend
Hi All. We are soo excited for the weekend to come. Saturday morning will be our first Soccer games for the season. Then we cannot wait to get together with you for our annual back to school bash. Of course school has been session for almost a month but it's never too late to celebrate right? The moonbounce thing should be a blast. Not to mention the food and just getting to hang out with everyone! See you then!
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